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Therapy is for everyone, including Black men []


By Denise Hooks-Anderson, Photo: Canva, The St. Louis American, May 24, 2023

Though the COVID-19 pandemic has been associated with many negative circumstances, at least one positive outcome can be attributed to this devastating infection, heightened awareness of mental health issues. It is now well documented how the isolation during the pandemic negatively affected children and the elderly. However, even prior to the pandemic, Black men have been suffering in silence with their mental health issues.

Black men face many challenges that are unique and have a significant impact on their mental health. These challenges faced by Black men shape how they view their future and how they respond to future adverse events. One significant issue that has been identified as affecting the mental health of Black men is racism.

Shopping while black, interviewing while black, and driving while black are just a few of the scenarios where Black men experience racial microaggressions. These daily traumas occur everywhere: malls, grocery stores, on college campuses, and even in their own neighborhoods. Remember Dr. Henry Louis Gates, Jr? Dr. Gates, a renowned Harvard University professor and the host of his own television show on PBS, was stopped by campus security while trying to enter his own home.

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