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There must be a time when enough is enough: how I plan to stand with Dr. Blasey Ford

To my colleagues on ACEs Connection - It's been a harrowing two years for our nation, and I'm sure each of you has tried all you can to deal with what we're experiencing in this country (and beyond).
My husband and I  have been saying for some time that we need to move beyond marches and petitions to actions where we express our refusal to go along symbolically and with our bodies. As we watch a woman who - hesitatingly, with caution and fear - brought forward the story of the sexual assault she experienced at age 15, by a man now poised to occupy a seat on the Supreme Court and to cast the deciding vote on women's right to control our own bodies, among countless other decisions that could dramatically impact our rights. We cannot stand by until the question of his history of sexual violence has been properly investigated We owe that to all the trauma survivors in our lives -and those who did not survive.
Dr Blasey Ford seems to be a resilient, accomplished woman who has made a life to be proud of in the face of PTSD, and all the ways we know it impacts survivors every day. She has now stepped forward with courage, and - as she knew she might - immediately experienced slander, vicious attacks and death threats. She and her family have fled their home, hired security, and are in hiding - their lives have been changed forever, and she has surely been re-traumatized. All because she wanted her experience with Brett Kavanaugh to be considered. We absolutely stand with her, and against those in power who would force her to testify immediately, without access to an investigation or other witnesses, thus staging a reprieve of the Anita Hill-Clarence Thomas debacle.  More than 25 years later, in the midst of the #MeToo movement  - we cannot accept this.
So my husband and I are taking two steps, and I invite you to consider joining us in either or both. We have donated to a fund to help defray the legal and security costs Dr. Blasey Ford is incurring - the only fund organized working with her attorney directly - and we are going to join in civil disobedience on Monday morning outside the Hart Senate Office Building. People will be traveling from all over the country to participate - we are fortunate to only need to get up at dawn and take the Metro from home.
Below are links to both actions - we appreciate you considering this and considering sharing these with friends as well.  
A growing coalition of organizations and activists are gathering and responding from a place of sincere urgency and love  - they have created a Go Fund Me page: We Believe Dr. Christine Blasey Ford for her legal and security expenses. The page also acts as a statement of support.
Here's the link to sign up to participate in Monday's actions, with details about options for involvement, travel, etc: Details on signing up - We Believe Christine
We hope you'll join us as time, opportunity and conscience guide you.  

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