"In the Smoky Mountain region, which contains Blount County, Child Protective Services investigated 629 cases of child sexual abuse and 432 cases of physical abuse to children....
"It’s the goal of the New Hope Blount County Children’s Advocacy Center to reduce those numbers drastically....
"As New Hope fights child abuse, the agency is also fighting to bring awareness to child abuse and the mission of New Hope....
"Among the programs that New Hope offers is the Stewards of Children, which focuses on teaching Blount County adults about how to recognize, report and prevent extreme physical or sexual abuse to children.
"The 2½-hour program features a sequence of three DVDs, an interactive workbook and a discussion led by a facilitator trained by the Darkness to Light program, which is the basis of New Hope’s Stewards of Children.
"The program is designed to teach a minimum 5 percent of the community in the hopes that they will teach the other 95 percent of Blount County adults...."
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