DAYTON, Ohio — Dr. Randy Marriott clicked open the daily report he gets on drug overdoses in the county.Only one in the last 24 hours — stunningly low compared to the long lists he used to scroll through last year in a grim morning routine.
“They just began to abruptly drop off,” said Dr. Marriott, who oversees the handoff of patients from local rescue squads to Premier Health, the region’s biggest hospital system.
Overdose deaths in Montgomery County, anchored by Dayton, have plunged this year, after a stretch so bad that the coroner’s office kept running out of space and having to rent refrigerated trailers. The county had 548 overdose deaths by Nov. 30 last year; so far this year there have been 250, a 54 percent decline.
[For more on this story by Abby Goodnough, go to]
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