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This Must Be Normal & Your Favorite Blogs, Resources & Writing

It's so fun to find awesome blogs and awesome writing. I discovered another new blog just this morning. The sub-title is this.

"An ACEs survivor trying like hell to thrive." 

I'm sure lots of us can relate to that. Here's the blog link. Here's an excerpt:

By most standards I'm reasonably intelligent and educated (for what that's worth); therefore, I should be able to do this Life thing without too much homebrewed trouble. Right? I said, RIGHT?! Yet here I am, a beetle stuck on its back, legs kicking the air, antennae wriggling.

In the word of you-know-who: sad.

I write this to try to puzzle out what led me to where I am today. Writing is for me, as it is for many writers, a way of thinking. If anyone happens to benefit from reading this, then at least someone out there will have gained from my flailing about. Perhaps someone who thought they were alone will feel comforted that another has experienced something similar. My true confessions could provide insight into someone else's struggles. Some might even feel a bit better about their own foibles, a la, "There but for the grace of god go I"  or, "It could be worse; I could be her". At the very least, someone reading this may get a good laugh out of it.


This has been going on nearly all of my working life. That's more than 30 years. Yep.

Why can't  I get it right?

The explanation is one of the few things in life I've been able to get a bead on, albeit only in the past five or so years.

Getting to the bottom of why this keeps happening is an itch I must scratch, because it's  the only way to stop it, or at least stem the bleeding. It's important to me and to the quality of my life, and I have the audacity to think it might be important to the world at large. Even if no one besides me cares or knows a lick about any of it. It comes down to potential. I know in my heart that I have not lived up to mine. 

So good, right?

If you read, write or love a blog that might interest others here, please share excerpts and the link. What speaks to you is going to speak to others. Your perspectives, styles, views and thoughts are all welcome and needed! We're so large and keep growing but we remain a community. Please bring what speaks to and for you. Others will benefit. We will all benefit. 

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Kathy Brous posted:

Hi Cis!  Not sure if you want the links you mention here, but here's mine. Today is a six-year milestone for me: I've just uploaded my book to Amazon's editors! 😸😍 It should be on sale 2nd half November. A professional artist designed a new book cover so I also just changed my website today to show it off. Here's my new website showing some of the book jacket on a link to my writing as requested:


I'm so glad you shared the link here and on the main page. YAHOO!!!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS to you!!!! The name is FANTASTIC and your work through all of these years has been wonderful. You've helped get so much content and healing resources out into the world. THANK YOU. Cis

Hi Cis!  Not sure if you want the links you mention here, but here's mine. Today is a six-year milestone for me: I've just uploaded my book to Amazon's editors! 😸😍 It should be on sale 2nd half November. A professional artist designed a new book cover so I also just changed my website today to show it off. Here's my new website showing some of the book jacket on a link to my writing as requested:

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