Traditionally, Ojibwe people observe a lunar calendar. Each moon, or giizis, is often named after activities conducted during those times, weather, harvests, or other notable things in Ojibwe life. November coincides with Gashkadino-Giizis or Freezing Over Moon.
Since beginning my career as a journalist, however, I have come to think of November, National Native American Heritage Month, as the Moon of Explaining Indians to White People.
Inevitably I get requests from editors of mainstream publications to write opinion pieces about the Native perspective on the month and the tie to Thanksgiving.
[For more on this story by Mary Annette Pember, go to]
Photo: More than two hundred tribes, joined by environmental activists and hundreds of United States military veterans, camped and demonstrated against the Dakota Access Pipeline. Photo by Andrew Lichtenstein/Corbis via Getty Images.
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