To start this off i am to all outward appearances an American, white Male. Recent stories and attention to Critical Race Theory have been troubling to digest. I do not mean to suggest we should stop these conversation, or that we should ignore any Racial traumas or Inequalities that many minorities face in the world.
That being said i am also a veteran and and a social worker and this sets upsets up some cognitive dissidence. This was something i was mostly able to ignore till i read a recent article. Why I Do Not Bow - Lion's Roar (
I can not say that i understand the struggle that this article expressed. But i can say that it brought me to tears, twice. It made me look at the strain that the current popular dialogs on race in this country are going. The strain of the dichotomy between the underlying Spirit of the preamble of our constitution that states "We are all men (people) are endowed by our creator with the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." And the theory that "racism is embedded in the countryβs policies and laws."
I am not a fool. I know and accept that this country has fallen short of this goal many times. But i can not ignore the the beautiful examples of Americans coming together to help one another. Even today, though we have immigrants crossing The southern boarder. many fleeing oppressive systems most Americans can not imagine. many of these families are being helped and taken in by distant family or even strangers all over this country. But to hear the media narrative, its either people fleeing oppressions or invading. I never seem to hear that for many of these people they are rushing to enter the one country that offers everyone a right to a voice, a right to the pursuit of happiness.
This is my closing. We need to examine the shortcomings of this country and others. But we also need to recognize the efforts and advances we have all made and continue to make. Martin Luther King would not have had a million man march in any other country i the world. For some of us his dream is still alive. We can do this together. We will never do it apart.
Thank you in advance for any feedback
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