ACEs, Adversity's Impact
- There is only one boat: The myth of normalcy by Dr. Gabor Mate
- Understanding historical trauma to strengthen community
- Childhood trauma linked to early, premarital childbirth and poor health for women
- Early life racial discrimination linked to depression, accelerated aging
- When mothers are killed by their partners, children often become 'forgotten' victims. It's time they were given a voice
- Children's language skills may be harmed by social hardship
- Does racism influence increased prevalence of asthma in black children?
- As military suicides rise, assessing childhood issues may be a solution
- Oklahoma leaders learn about 'self-healing communities' as way to combat adverse childhood experiences crisis
- California's first Surgeon General: Screen every student for childhood trauma
- We have to better understand what foster parents need
- Stress during pregnancy may affect baby's sex, risk of preterm birth
- Kaiser to study childhood trauma impact on total health
Brain and Biology
- What cutting-edge neuroscience tells us about early childhood development
- Mysterious connections: How trauma can appear in our bodies
- How psychological injuries cause physical illness - and how therapy can heal it
- Children bullied by friends and siblings are more likely to think about suicide in their early 20s
- Bullies may come and go, but 'molecular memory' of being a target lingers
Courts, Juvenile Justice, Corrections, and Probation
- Handbook on children with incarcerated parents
- 'We can't go forward if we don't talk to each other': Juvenile justice forum offers perspective on incarceration, restorative justice
- Eight principles of care for young people in the justice system
DHS Career Opportunities
- Contracts Specialist - Advanced, Bureau of Prevention Treatment and Recovery (Application deadline: 11:59 p.m. November 4, 2019)
- Director, Winnebago Mental Health Institute (Application deadline: 11:59 p.m. October 30, 2019)
- Supervisor, Client Rights Office (Application deadline: 11:59 p.m. October 21, 2019)
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
- Handling traumatic grief reactions in children and adolescents post 9/11
- Rest may help reduce PTSD symptoms
- Rare sleep disorder common among veterans with PTSD
- New approach by Taos therapist shows promise for healing trauma
- New study deepens understanding of effects of media exposure to collective trauma
- PTSD nearly doubles infection risk
- Young adults with PTSD may have higher risk of stroke in middle age
- Tips for survivors: Coping with anger after a disaster or other traumatic event
- Healthy relationships matter
- Healthy Minds in Practice: Compassion Audio Practice
- New London schools to address trauma with music
- Positive childhood experiences may reduce adult mental health problems
- PreK Corner: Resilience, a shield for young children
- A hero's journey in trauma recovery - Dr. Arielle Schwartz
- Handle With Care Initiative to mitigate impact of childhood trauma
Substance Use Disorder
- Webinar: The Substance Use Professional of the 2020s
- Change Packet: Improving adolescent health: Facilitating change for excellence in SBIRT
- New addiction treatments hold promise for stemming the opioid crisis
- Videos: Sesame Street In Communities-Parental Addiction
- New SAMHSA Publication: Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) 35, Enhancing Motivation for Change in Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Treatment - Updated, 2019
- Mindfulness may reduce opioid cravings, study finds
- New DHS Data Dashboard: County Substance Use Services
- TIC Trainings: Wisconsin Hawthorn Project
- Introduction to the Seven Essential Ingredients (7ei) of Trauma Informed Care
- Introduction to the Seven Essential Ingredients (7ei) of Trauma Sensitive Schools
- Trauma Sensitive Schools Train the Trainer
- Trauma Sensitive Schools Networking Meeting
Trauma-Informed Care
- 'Understanding trauma:' Program shows doctors the biases Indigenous women face
- Webinar: What Managers Need to Know to Prevent Burnout
- Making trauma-informed care a scalable reality
- Trauma can happen anywhere. Prepare.
- Already seen as safe places to talk, barber shops and salons now respond to trauma in clients
- Trauma-informed care benefits seniors
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