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To Help Heal Trauma, Talk Less, and Write More


For a lot of people with Childhood PTSD, talking about traumatic memories can make symptoms worse -- worse than if we were to do nothing at all. Yet talking about the past is the default mode of therapy for virtually everyone who is depressed, anxious or troubled about the past.

It's true that talking can be crucial to emotional healing. But there is a lot of research that supports WRITING as a more effective way to communicate past trauma and relieve symptoms of Childhood PTSD. In this video I give some background on why I so strongly recommend daily writing as a means to heal the brain dysregulation that so often flows from a history of childhood abuse and neglect.


You can go more deeply into this topic in my online course, Healing Childhood PTSD.

You can try the two free techniques I use daily to re-regulate here.

I lead several free webinars each month, where I teach those techniques live. You can add your name to a list (to be notified of newly scheduled webinars) here.

If past trauma has created negative patterns in your dating life, learn about my new online course Dating and Relationships for People with Childhood PTSD here.

Want to see more of my videos? Go to my YouTube Channel and subscribe!


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