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To prevent mass shootings, stop relying on the myth of motive; start doing forensic ACE investigations


Community vigil in Buffalo, NY (photo by Mustafa Hussain for the New York Times)

Because 18-year-old Payton Gendron provided in his 180-page diatribe a motive for shooting 10 people in Buffalo, NY, on Saturday night, police didn’t need to search for one, as they often have other in mass shootings. But using motive to prevent mass shootings will just get you a useless answer to the wrong question.

The right question is: What happened to this person? What happened to a beautiful baby boy to turn him into an 18-year-old killer spouting racist screed?

In those questions—and looking at the answers through the lens of positive and adverse childhood experiences—lie our solutions.

In a 2019 Los Angeles Times article, “We have studied every mass shooting since 1966. Here’s what we’ve learned about the shooters”, Jillian Peterson and James Delaney wrote: “First, the vast majority of mass shooters in our study experienced early childhood trauma and exposure to violence at a young age. The nature of their exposure included parental suicide, physical or sexual abuse, neglect, domestic violence, and/or severe bullying.”

Research clearly shows that the road that leads from a precious infant becoming an abused or neglected child who grows up to become a distressed murderer is predictable. That was revealed in the CDC-Kaiser Permanente Adverse Childhood Experiences Study.

The ACE Study showed a remarkable link between 10 types of childhood trauma and being violent or a victim of violence, as well as experiencing the adult onset of chronic disease and mental illness. The ten types of childhood trauma include experiencing physical and emotional abuse, neglect, living with a family member who is addicted to alcohol or who is mentally ill, and witnessing domestic violence. (For more information, see PACEs Science 101 and What ACEs/PCEs Do You Have?) Subsequent ACE surveys include experiencing bullying, racism, the foster care system, living in a dangerous community, losing a family member to deportation and being a war refugee, among other traumatic experiences.

The point is — and the science is irrefutable now — just as a bullet rips through flesh and bone, a child experiencing ongoing encounters that cause toxic stress, without positive intervention to help the child, will suffer damage to the structure and function of their brain.

This toxic stress affects health and behavior. All people have an ACE score of 0 to 10. Each type of trauma counts as one, no matter how many times it occurs. You can think of an ACE score as a cholesterol score for childhood trauma. For example, people with an ACE score of 4 are twice as likely to be smokers, seven times more likely to be alcoholic and 1200 percent more likely to attempt suicide. People with high ACE scores are more likely to be violent, to have more marriages, more broken bones, more drug prescriptions, more depression, and more autoimmune diseases. People with an ACE score of 6 or higher are at risk of their lifespan being shortened by 20 years.

The effects of ACEs begin showing up in childhood. Kids experiencing trauma act out. They can’t focus. They can’t sit still. Or they withdraw. Fight, flight or freeze—that’s a normal and expected response to trauma. So, they have difficulty learning. The schools that respond by suspending or expelling them just further traumatize them. When they get older, if they have no positive intervention from a caring adult at home or in school, in a clinic or other organization who is trained to understand trauma, they find unhealthy ways to cope. They turn to addictions of all types—alcohol and other drugs, violence, stealing, lying, overeating, gambling, thrill sports, etc.—to soothe themselves to endure their trauma and the effects of their trauma, such as depression or violence.

In the case of the Buffalo, NY, shooter, there were indications that the shooter’s ACE score was likely to be high: Last June, police were called to his high school for threatening statements, he threatened to shoot people at a high school graduation, and he was hospitalized for a day and a half for a mental health evaluation after doing a school project about murder-suicide. The New York Times reported that the gunman said in online posts that he spent 20 hours waiting for the evaluation and only met with someone for 15 minutes. “This proved to me that the US healthcare system is a joke,” he wrote.

The Washington Post depicted an isolated teen who had little interaction with his parents, both engineers. From the outside, their family looked typical and upper-middle class. They lived in a three-story home with a manicured lawn in a suburb outside Binghamton, NY. There were indications that all was not well in the family, however. In sixth grade, he had problems interacting with Black students and was suspended from school when a student said he’d called her the n-word. Things seemed to escalate over the years. He collected weapons and hid them from his parents. He violently killed a feral cat who was attacking his cat; he stabbed it several times and cut off its head. He skipped weeks of classes at his community college to drive to Buffalo to plan his attack, and lied to his parents when they asked him about it.

Just as it’s easy for a pedophile to groom a vulnerable and emotionally needy child, it’s easy for vulnerable and needy kids to be groomed in other harmful ways, such as through words and actions of people who propound hate and violence as solutions to real or imagined problems. White supremacy and racism fit into that category. So does terrorism, whether domestic or foreign. According to the Post article, Gendron did not consider himself to be a racist until he “began reading an anonymous Internet message board, 4chan, where users celebrate racist violence.”

Healthy people lead healthy lives and aren’t tempted to harm themselves or others. Healthy people have few or no ACEs, and many positive childhood experiences, such as nurturing parents, a safe environment in which to live, and other caring adults.

Although we can’t predict if a kid with ACEs will express their toxic stress outwardly in violence to others, or turn inward to harm to themselves, or, in some cases, do both, we know enough to say that damage will occur to themselves or others. So, we need to intervene at every step of the way to prevent harm. Warning signs will always show themselves, if we’re educated to see them. And if we address these signs, if our systems integrate practices based on PACEs science, we have a better shot at preventing not just violence, such as mass shootings, but all other ways childhood adversity can affect us as adults.

There are many ways to reduce violence, such as making guns less available and controlling hate speech on social media, but one approach that will help communities and organizations prevent another tragedy such as what happened in Buffalo—as well as the more than 200 other mass shootings so far this year—is to establish a forensic ACE review team, much like many states’ Child Death Review teams, to investigate every mass shooter’s adverse childhood experiences, as well as their positive childhood experiences (or more likely, the lack of them). You can begin to envision this approach in news articles that focus on “What do we know about the shooter?” The Washington Post article mentioned above is an example. Others from past shootings include the Los Angeles Times and the Ohio Dispatch.

This analysis would identify every step along the way where a family member, a school, a pediatrician, a coach, people in the faith-based community, police, foster care, child welfare, educators, juvenile detention, probation, youth organizations, etc., could have intervened to help that child and/or their family when it was clear the kid was troubled. Troubled kids are usually a symptom of a troubled family and/or a troubled community. Kids’ actions are not theirs alone. All involved with a troubled child need education about how ACEs affect individuals, families and communities. And after identifying those intervention points, figure out solutions, then embed them in all of those organizations and communities to prevent other children from growing up to harm themselves or others.

The good news is that people can heal from trauma, including ACEs. The better news is that we can prevent it.

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I once heard a philosophy professor say that all people should avoid believing, let alone claiming, that they are not capable of committing an atrocity, even if relentlessly pushed. Contrary to what is claimed or felt by many of us, he said, deep down there’s a tyrant in each of us that, under the just-right circumstances, can be unleashed; and maybe even more so when convinced that, God's on my/our side.

While I don't hold much faith in scriptural teachings, I do give credence to the Biblical claim (Jeremiah 17:9) that base corporeal human nature is “desperately wicked.”

Although some identifiable groups have been brutally victimized throughout history a disproportionately large number of times, the victims of one place and time can and sometimes do become the victimizers of another place and time. Meanwhile, many contemptible social-media news trolls internationally decide which 'side' they hate less thus 'support' via politicized commentary post.

Thank you, Jane. Your wisdom is so helpful and valuable, especially when trying to process the recent tragedy.

Thank you also to Peter C for sharing his story and thought in the comment section. I wish it would be presented not just on the main PACEs Conn page, but on every major news source in the world

Here's a prose version of the Tutu quote.  It's on our site.  I first encountered it on The Prevention Institute's website and did some editing.

While walking along a river, a passerby sees someone drowning. After pulling the person ashore, the rescuer notices another person in the river in need of help. Before long, the river is filled with drowning people, and more rescuers are required to assist the first. Sadly, some people are not saved, and many fall back into the river after they’ve been pulled ashore. At this time, one of the rescuers starts walking upstream.

"Where are you going??!! We need you here!!" the others scream.
The rescuer replies, "I'm going upstream to see why people keep falling into the river."

As it turns out, the bridge across the river has a hole through which people are falling. The upstream rescuer realizes that fixing the hole will prevent people from falling into the river in the first place.

It's frustrating when people label the a action "Evil" and more mental health needed. Post mortem treatment of a shooter is too late for the dead. I scream at the TV every time I hear the go to blame "Evil" and more mental health. This society allows more and more children to fall off the end of a conveyor trauma because it does not want to appear to interfere in parenting. As one father told me "There is no right or wrong way to parent" As his child was being transported in a catatonic state from an overwhelming violent experience at the dinner table. I told the mother her child checked out because it could not handle the experience.  

As an EMT on a volunteer ambulance I ask the tough questions. It unfolds like this:

Dispatched for hand injury. Typically for hitting a wall. (Repeat address for EMS)

Find out family dynamics. A man identifies as patient's stepfather. (1 ACES) Paternal father has no contact with patient after divorce.

Paternal father accused of being a pedophile. Assume patient was a victim. (2 ACES) Even if it might be pre-memory.

Talk with other EMS crew members and there has been a total of 4 responses for same patient. 2 for acts of violence and 2 for gastrointestinal symptoms. Patient uses marijuana. Self medicating. Patient has been committed for mental health assessment but released. Here is a ticking time bomb. Maybe not a shooter but maybe self harm.

This is over the skill set of police and ems to identify the cause of mind body connection. From my experience most have enough on their plate and don't care to learn more. It's difficult to help people that don't want it. This is why awarenesses of what not to do and what is needed for a child's health. We must keep trying. Trauma Conveyor


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