The deliberative portion of juvenile court proceedings focuses intently upon the “actor,” or minor respondent, once the facts of the “act” have been adjudicated by an affirmative plea or after a trial where a finding of delinquency has been entered. Juvenile court judges then weigh the facts of the act on the same scale that considers all the aggravating and mitigating life circumstances present in the “actor’s” life before determining the most appropriate disposition (sentence).
In most cases, the court enters a dispositional sentence of probation, which will include a list of specially selected conditions or requirements that must be fulfilled by the minor during the term of the order.
In its purest and simplest form, probation has been defined as the grant of liberty based upon the good-faith promise of reform. Under an order of probation, adjudicated delinquents are given the opportunity to remain free in their homes and communities conditioned upon their promise to reform their cited behavior.
[For more on this story by William Siffermann, go to]
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