Everyone loves it what a great plan comes together - but for more complex topics what is required is coming together to formulate a plan.
If you are looking for excellent resources that are free and would assist you or the professionals you know are working to create compassionate (or trauma-informed) schools in your community - consider the resources made available through Washington State's Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction.
Compassionate Schools: The Heart of Learning and Teaching
The Compassionate Schools Initiative within Learning and Teaching Support provides training, guidance, referral, and technical assistance to schools wishing to adopt a Compassionate Schools Infrastructure. Compassionate Schools benefit all students who attend but focus on students chronically exposed to stress and trauma in their lives. These schools create compassionate classrooms and foster compassionate attitudes of their school staff. The goal is to keep students engaged and learning by creating and supporting a healthy climate and culture within the school where all students can learn. It is not a program; it is a process and as such is not “one size fits all.” Each school and community will develop their own unique compassionate “personality.”
- Focus on culture and climate in the school and community.
- Train and support all staff regarding trauma and learning.
- Encourage and sustain open and regular communication for all.
- Develop a strengths based approach in working with students and peers.
- Ensure discipline policies are both compassionate and effective (Restorative Practices).
- Weave compassionate strategies into school improvement planning.
- Provide tiered support for all students based on what they need.
- Create flexible accommodations for diverse learners.
- Provide access, voice, and ownership for staff, students and community.
- Use data to: Identify vulnerable students, and determine outcomes and strategies for continuous quality improvement.For more information on the book and about the Compassionate Schools Initiative in Washington, contact Ron Hertel, (360) 725-4968, ron.hertel@k12.wa.us.
For more information on the book and about the Compassionate Schools Initiative in Washington, contact Ron Hertel, (360) 725-4968, ron.hertel@k12.wa.us.
If your school or community is looking for an overview and an in depth method of implementing the principles, practices and tools for creating compassionate schools, you might also want to consider a 3 credit, interactive course made available through regional NCATE-approved universities such as:
- Seattle Pacific University (WA) : http://www.cecreditsonline.org...e-pacific-university
- Humboldt State University (CA): http://www.cecreditsonline.org...ldt-state-university
- Aurora University (IL): https://wa3.aurora.edu/WebAdvi...mp;CONSTITUENCY=WBCE
- Adams State University (CO): http://www.cecreditsonline.org...niversity/counselors
For educators in the Los Angeles Unified School District, there is currently a significant price reduction in light of the recent California ACEs Summit. Information on this opportunity can be found at:
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