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Trauma Informed Care from the Baby's Perspective


The ACEs and Resilience movement is now across the US and worldwide, focusing on increasing awareness of how trauma impacts children and adults.  There are now calls for more programs, projects, training and research on trauma from a baby's perspective.  Recent programs highlight Trauma Informed Parenting, Maternal Health and ACEs, and Pediatrics and ACEs, but none of these approaches include the first 9 months of life, even though data clearly shows that the baby's experience of the womb environment, birth and attachment have lifelong effect.  The Association for Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health educates the public and professionals worldwide about how the baby's experience affects health throughout the lifespan. We have developed a professional educator program and an Adverse Early Experiences questionnaire and Resiliency Score. Our upcoming regional conference, Trauma Informed Care & Beyond: Improving Perinatal & Family Health for a Thriving Humanity, will take place in Denver, October 5-7, 2018.

I am director of education at APPPAH.  We are currently working on parenting programs and training of professionals to educate parents to help prevent trauma. We are also developing programs for medical and birth professionals. We would like to network with professionals everyone to create programs in your area of health or geographical location.  You can contact me at or go to our website, for more information. Traumainformedcareppn


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Hi, Kate:
Spending some time on your website, I'm so uplifted with your vast array of resources, services, learning opportunities, etc.  Please consider posting your upcoming Trauma Informed Care & Beyond: Improving Perinatal & Family Health for a Thriving Humanity in Denver this fall on our calendar on ACEs Connection.

Please know I'm excited to learn more about your developing parenting programs and training of professionals helping parents. It would be terrific if you would consider sharing your resources on our Parenting with ACEs community.


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