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Trauma, Poverty, and Public Housing []


Low-income public housing providers are tasked with the responsibility to foster communities where people who have experienced tremendous adversity and poverty can find stability, healing, and opportunity to build a future for themselves and their families.

My work in public housing is as a Resident Services Coordinator where I meet with new residents who, while on our nine year waitlist, are likely to have experienced multiple periods of homelessness. New residents, having finally gotten into housing they can afford, where rent is based on 30% of income, say that they experience a tremendous sense of relief. Housing, at least initially, provides a sanctuary that is in stark contrast to their previous life on the streets, in shelters, and on the couches and in the garages of friends and family.

[For more of this story, written by Jemila Hart, go to https://traumainformedoregon.o...-and-public-housing/]

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