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Trauma-sensitive education summit for Kansas City schools

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From Beth Sarver at Truman Medical Center's Resilience Incubator for a summit June 8-12, 2015:


TMC’s Resilience Incubator invites Schools from all over the KC Metro area to attend their Inaugural Resilient Schools Facilitator Summit.  We are excited for the expanded and refined in-depth learning experience that we have developed and would like your team to join us!  Contact Beth Sarver at with questions.

Who should attend this summit?  Interdisciplinary teams (ideally 4 members) from schools and districts that are interested in building a cohort for advancing their own TSS initiative to build Resilient Schools should attend this event.  This summit experience should be approached with a team of committed professionals who are empowered to deliver professional learning and provide coaching in a systematic way, throughout the school or district.  Each facilitator will walk away feeling prepared to deliver trauma sensitive schools content, to engage school system colleagues as teams and as individuals in resilience coaching.


More detailed information is attached.


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Hi Tina,

I think when speaking to educators, it is critical to show them the "Why" we need to change our approach. From my experience, our educational system is complex and deeply rooted in traditional disciplinary practices.Though the research tells us that traditional pratices don't work, the system holds a tighter grip on them, therefore hurting  a large percentage of our trauma impacted students.  Our schools are traditionally grounded in "fear-based" practices. "You are either good because you did what I asked you, or you are bad because you didn't do what I asked you."  We raise the level of punishment until we feel we get control of the student's behavior. This approach to school discipline escalates our trauma impacted students and reinforces their negative belief system that they are bad. We then put labels on them as we begin suspending them for their behavior.  I can help you with the "Why" and transition to the "How",...practical trauma-informed strategies that can be implemented into the daily practice of the school culture and learning environment. Let me know how I can support you.  Jim

Hi Tina, 


I have attached a power point I used at a conference in February.  Its pretty specific to Paladin, but it might help you for a starting point.  Feel free to use, edit, or dump in the trash, as you see fit. :-) 


I also gave out some handouts with this presentation - a copy of the ACEs questions, our 25 point risk survey, and the summary of ACEs Study from the MN Dept of Health.  


If there is anything else I can do to help, just let me know. 





I have to give a talk to a group of our schools / superintendent about trauma sensitive schools and I am not really well versed in this area but have been checking out everything I can find by Christopher Blodgett.  I wonder if they have a ppxt someone can modify and borrow with attribution. I need to get this complete by the third week of April as we want this off the ground and presented to our schools after Spring Break but before the start of the summer.  Thanks T

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