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Treating Childhood Trauma (



Bonnie Hahn: I didn't understand it because PTSD was for the veterans coming home from the war. That was what I thought it was. I had no idea.


Tim Grove: We might not be able to ever prevent the stuff that happens to kids. But we are fully in charge of how we respond when we see it.

Tim Grove: Ten questions primarily taking a lens and looking at sort of the family home and saying to adults looking back at their childhood, "Were you physically abused? Were you neglected? Did someone go to prison?" Ten questions categorizing adversity that kids face.

Tim Grove

Alisha Fox: I did a ACE test for them, and I scored a nine out of ten.

For anyone, a high score on the ACE test is a powerful predictor of physical and mental problems down the road. According to the Centers for Disease Control, it makes you five times as likely to be depressed and can cut your overall life expectancy by as much as twenty years.

The CDC says this isn't theory, it's scientific factbacked up by hundreds of published studies. And, the CDC says, one out of every eight children suffers enough trauma to cause lasting damage.

Dr. Bruce Perry: If you have developmental trauma, the truth is you're going to be at risk for almost any kind of physical health, mental health, social health problem that you can think of.

Dr. Bruce Perry may be the world's leading expert on childhood trauma. He has treated thousands of children, and been called on for decades to treat kids traumatized in high-profile events including the Columbine and Sandy Hook school shootings. He's a psychiatrist, and also has a Ph.D. in neuroscience.

Dr. Bruce Perry: That very same sensitivity that makes you able to learn language just like that as a little infant makes you highly vulnerable to chaos, threat, inconsistency, unpredictability--

Oprah Winfrey: Violence.

Dr. Bruce Perry: --violence. And so children are much more sensitive to developmental trauma than adults.

Full transcript and text.

Cissy's Note: I wish the more expansive view of ACEs / ACE Test had been included. I'm glad homelessness was included as trauma and childhood adversity. I hope does a follow-up on implementing trauma-informed frameworks, community resilience, and more about what individuals, communities, and organizations can and are doing.


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  • Tim Grove

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She covered a lot of ground in 13 minutes and I hope she does a detailed documentary to really get into the meat of this vast, powerful, potent topic!! I liked how much ground she covered and those she interviewed and I was also left feeling like there was only time to cover the tip of the tip of the iceberg!

I've created two ACE Fact Sheets - one for chronic illness and one for all effects of ACEs - to be used to educate others, such as your doctor, teacher, social worker and others. I'll post again on ACEs Connection later this week but here it is for now. The Face Sheets are free and downloadable.

Thanks for posting, Cissy, and for posting the transcript.

i hope this is the start of Oprah Winfrey’s telling the world that there is a high cost to childhood trauma: traumatized chiildren cannot learn in the same way, will suffer across the lifespan, and are likely to repeat patterns of behavior they experienced unless there is tremendous effort made to help them heal. People ARE wired for peace or chaos, health or inflammation that results in many diseases, and our way of life in the US can sure add to the ACEs.  Violence, poverty, bullying, racism, and so much fear, especially for families with immigration issues, cost this and future generations. This is a vast subject. I hope Ms. Winfrey will chunk it down and look at it from every angle— from the school-to-prison pipeline to the long-term healrh consequences, from behaviors to trauma-informed communities and the differences evident in schools such as Lincoln High. 

She is certainly welcome at, and I look forward to the day she joins our membership! 

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