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Treating toxic stress in kids a top priority for California’s first surgeon general []


The little girl was not gaining weight.

The diagnosis: failure to thrive, a term used to describe a child who isn’t growing as expected. The remedy: nutritional shakes packed with protein.

That typically would be the end of the appointment, said the girl’s doctor,  @Nadine Burke Harris, a 43-year-old Jamaican American raised in Palo Alto who was named California’s first surgeon general last month. But, in her new role, Burke Harris said she will push to change a profession that too often settles for quick fixes over unearthing root causes of ailments.

[For more on this story by MELODY GUTIERREZ, go to]

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Relevance of Christs' words and the laws of the Founding Fathers /
Dear School board members, chiefs, directors, and superintendent, 
Join to build community by facing collective trauma with a growth mindset of hope. 
Have SDBC become the leading, largest Trauma-Aware district in the nation. 
Have SDBC sign a 1-page MOU along with CSC agreeing to educate ourselves and our community of the effects of ACE's on individuals and communities.

The March for Our Lives Movement was sparked by our students. They have demanded of us real, lasting change.

No school shooter ever walked into a school with a gun and a growth-mindset. 

You are invited, individually, each and every school board member, chief & director, to please join - for the sake of children.

Over tens of thousands of years mankind has developed solutions to deal with self-perpetuating waves and epidemics of behaviorally transmitted trauma. This is fixed-mindset reactive black and white scarcity-based thinking that collectivelly affects large populations and nations.

The solution has been religious-philosophy-based non-violence - in the case of Christianity to turn the other cheek and to rise above the limitations of our biology. And now science weighs-in on the issue and offers the same solution.

To end school shootings, to end the statistic of 1 in 3 children abused or neglected; The common goal of science and religion is to strive for a community-wide growth-mindset that is less reactive and more conscious, mindful, and forward-looking. We accomplish this through our schools.

REPEAT: No school shooter ever walked into a school with a gun and a growth-mindset. 

Accomplishing this means to tamp-down those sources of the most intense "heat" in our combustible communities - to care for the weakest and most voiceless, for homeless women and children, the poor, sick and elderly, the incarcerated, addicted, discriminated against, abused and neglected.

Our children have called out for us to end the violence in our schools not just by removing weapons of war from civilian hands by respecting what the 2cnd amendment to the U.S. Constitution really says in the granting of rights to States to bear arms against States and not individuals to bear arms against individuals - but most importantly; To FLIP our culture from being predominately fixed-mindset dominant to a more growth-mindset culture. This will represent real, lasting change.

No school shooter ever walked into a school with a gun and a growth-mindset. 

#neveragain #fixit



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