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Trigger Points Anthology ~ The Book, the Creators, the Mission

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Joyelle Brandt and I are survivors of childhood abuse working to break the cycle for our families. Raising children as an abuse survivor is often a lonely and isolating experience, as the triggers and flashbacks of abuse can be hard for non-survivors to understand. When we were looking for stories of how other survivors coped, and couldn’t find any, we decided that something needed to change.


Together we started an online community specifically for parent survivors, and started collecting essays to create the Trigger Points Anthology. It's a book where survivors of all forms of childhood abuse could talk about what it is like to be a parent when your own childhood was so traumatic.


Parenting when you experienced childhood abuse often feels like walking back into a war zone as a soldier with PTSD. There are flashbacks and triggers everywhere, and most parents are completely blindsided by them because no one tells us that this can happen.


Our Mission

1. To let survivor parents know that they are not alone, and that what they are experiencing is a perfectly normal reaction for those with a history of childhood trauma.

    2. To educate health care and social service providers who work with parents about common triggers are that arise for survivor parents.

3. To help partners and families of abuse survivors understand what we are going through.


You can join the Trigger Points Facebook community here. If you have questions or comments for the editors, please email at



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