"Of the multitude of societal ills that in one way or another threaten the well-being of communities every day, four in particular have gotten the attention of the United Way of Greater Nashua as most in need of attention.
"The United Way’s top four targets – increase in the poverty rate; domestic and sexual violence; substance abuse among teens; and obesity – are where the 2013-14 campaign, which kicked off with the agency’s Sept. 11 Day of Caring, is directing the nearly $1 million in corporate and individual donations it has received to date, according to UWGN President Paul Hebert....
"A national risk-assessment study shows that the cycles often begin very early in a person’s life, Hebert said.
“It’s a category called adverse childhood experiences, which lists 10 or 11 factors – divorce, alcohol or drug abuse, neglect and so forth – that impact children,” he said...."
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