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Undoing the Harm of Childhood Trauma and Adversity ( + Commentary


Isn't that the most encouraging headline? Isn't that a wonderful photo?

Too few articles about ACEs offer any hope about what can help. For so long, researchers, writers and activists have been trying to make the point and "prove" that ACEs matter, ACEs matter and oh yeah, ACEs really really do matter!

There has been too little focus (and funding) on what can be done to counter the impact of ACEs, in general, as well as for parents, in particular. That's starting to change, in no small part, due to this fabulous network and community.

I love this entire piece. An excerpt is below. Full article by Mitzi Baker is a great read, too.

“If you want to interrupt ACEs, you have to help the adults heal,” he said.

If you want to interrupt ACEs, you have to help the adults heal.

Edward Machtinger, MD

Director of the Women’s HIV Program at UCSF

In recognition that parents who have unresolved ACEs will have their parenting skills affected, Lieberman’s treatment helps heal both children experiencing adversity and the children’s parents or caretakers. Called Child-Parent Psychotherapy, the technique brings the two together to alleviate impact of ACEs on the child by helping the parent become a better protector for the child.

After treatment, not only are the physical and mental health indicators much better for the child, but they are much improved for the parent as well.

In an imperfect world where children do experience stress and trauma, a bit of good news is that there considerable evidence of great variation between children in their responses to stress and adversity.

“I feel tremendously encouraged by research being done at UCSF and elsewhere to determine the factors that contribute to a child’s resilience,” Boyce said. Good parenting, a good diet, social support and strong communities are likely candidates. “But we already know that supporting young families and children – financially, psychologically and educationally – really helps with prevention of these stress-related disorders.”

This is just the sort of thing we are all about over at the Parenting with ACEs Group for parents and professionals (either/or/both). Come join. All are welcome.  

How to Join Parenting with ACEs Group:

1. Go to Groups (above).

2. Find "Parenting with ACEs" Group listed.

3. Submit Join request.


NOTE: If you are interested in this topic, YOU ARE WELCOME. You need not be a parent, have high ACEs or be a professional working with families and kids or on social policy. Or you might be one or all of those things.


Christine Cissy White

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“But we already know that supporting young families and children – financially, psychologically and educationally – really helps with prevention of these stress-related disorders.” True. Moreover, they are state obligations under the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC, United Nations 1989). Financially: Article 27, para 3 CRC. Psychologically: Article 18, para 2, and Article 24, para 2(f) (parents), Article 19, para 2 (families), and Article 39 (traumatized children) CRC. Educationally: Article 24, para 2(e) and Article 29 (school-age children) CRC. The CRC was signed by the Clinton administration in 1995. The US has not yet ratified the CRC. This makes the US the only UN member state that is not a party to the CRC. Let’s hope this will change under the next (Clinton) administration. For action see For further info google ‘It takes a SMECC to raise a child.’

Gail Kennedy posted:

THANK YOU for finding this articl and posting it, Cissy. You see, I work at UCSF but didn't know about this article; a clear testament to the power of ACEs Connection Network!  UCSF has been doing amazing work on various aspects of ACEs for years now but this is the first time I have seen an article from the campus that brings it together. VERY Exciting.


I know just what you mean. I love when I find stuff on this site that is based on MA that I had not heard about. It's a great community for networking.


THANK YOU for finding this articl and posting it, Cissy. You see, I work at UCSF but didn't know about this article; a clear testament to the power of ACEs Connection Network!  UCSF has been doing amazing work on various aspects of ACEs for years now but this is the first time I have seen an article from the campus that brings it together. VERY Exciting.

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