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Unicorn Shadows - A book based on ACEs and Trauma-Informed Care


I am incredibly happy to have stumbled upon this amazing ACEs Connection site. Thank you for the work being done to "prevent ACEs, heal trauma and build resilience". My current mission is to finish up developmental edits on a book proposal which will be submitted to Hay House Publishing in April, 2018 and continue sharing my "story of hope" with the world through my motivational speeches and podcast. My book, Unicorn Shadows, is based upon my complex trauma history, resulting C-PTSD, and journey toward healing and into a life of tranquility. It is a guide aimed at helping others along their own healing journey.

With all of that being said, I am looking for continued resources for ACEs studies and Trauma-Informed Care utilization. I score an 8/10 on the ACEs assessment (10/10 in the grey-scale world). I am now medication-free, have eliminated panic attacks from my life, and am living a life of joy and peace. There truly is hope for healing. Particularly in the realizations coming from brain plasticity studies. I am living proof.

If any therapists or researchers have suggestions on guiding me in my continued research on ACEs and TIC, please feel free to reach out to me. I value the input and direction.

Thank you!

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Karen Clemmer posted:

Welcome, Teri - You're amongst friends!  If you have not yet discovered, this site has "community" groups you can join - they are usually based on a geographic location or a shared interest.  Here are a couple that you might find interesting and want to join:  Practicing Resilience for Self Care and Healing or Parenting with ACEs or maybe ACEs in Faith Based Communities this is just a small sample of the communities here on ACEs Connection.  Again, Welcome!  Karen 

Awesome! Thank you, Karen. Yes, I had actually joined two of the communities already, but I will look at these, as well. Take care, Teri

Robert Olcott posted:

Best Wishes in this endeavor, Teri Wellbrock ! ! !

Although I don't concur with everything he noted, David Finkelhor, at the Univ of New Hampshire, authored a paper last July, regarding ACE screening, and hopefully the citations in the article will avail you names of other researchers, too.

The World Health Organization's WHO ACE International Questionnaire website has some documents noting on-going research regarding their ACE questionaire and further research objectives.

Robert, thank you so very much for the best wishes and the information. Exactly what I am looking for as I continue to research!

Best Wishes in this endeavor, Teri Wellbrock ! ! !

Although I don't concur with everything he noted, David Finkelhor, at the Univ of New Hampshire, authored a paper last July, regarding ACE screening, and hopefully the citations in the article will avail you names of other researchers, too.

The World Health Organization's WHO ACE International Questionnaire website has some documents noting on-going research regarding their ACE questionaire and further research objectives.

Last edited by Robert Olcott
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