When University of Texas police responded to a call from a student who said she had been sexually assaulted, they found her crying under a desk in a hallway.
That the accuser had enough confidence to call police — a choice many sexual assault victims don't make, perhaps fearing loss of anonymity — is one factor that has led experts to regard UT's system of preventing and responding to sexual violence as a national model.
"It appears that the campus safety officials at UT were right on top of the situation and began a prompt investigation, which is what should be happening: a fast and fair investigation," said Ada Meloy, general counsel for the American Council on Education.
At UT, students who have been sexually assaulted have a variety of paths to take, from counseling to internal inquiries to criminal investigations by the university police department.
[For more of this story, written by Benjamin Wermund, go to http://www.cosmopolitan.com/college/news/a29502/UT-a-model-in-combating-sexual-violence-experts/]
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