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Upcoming Livestream on Father's Day - ACEs & The Father Wound


Many men and women around the world are nursing a Father Wound and it is negatively impacting their health, eroding their self-confidence and crippling their ability to form healthy relationships, among other things.

For such persons, the word "father" does not represent the definitions outlined in the title image. Rather, it brings to mind memories of hurt and pain, or thoughts of abandonment and neglect, or simply a void.

So, on Father's Day, at 2pm Eastern Standard Time we want to address some of these issues "Live" on our YouTube channel. First, we will discuss the short documentary, Men's Voice, which was produced in the Cayman Islands. It features one of our ACEs Caribbean Community members, Mr. Mark Nicoll and is available on our community's Resources Tab.

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Please view the documentary BEFORE the Livestream on Father's Day. (Click Here to view Men's Voice on YouTube OR click the image above to view it in our Community's Resources section) Don't worry, it's only around 20 minutes long.

Next, we will explore the interaction between Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and the Father Wound. (Hint: It is much more than the separation from a parent question as outlined in the original 1998 ACE study.)

ACEs & The Father Wound poster

Joining us for the discussion will be Counselling Psychologist, Dr. Kenneth Niles; Social Work Professional, Mark Nicoll; Editor of In Search of Fatherhood, Queen Mother Diane Aisha Sears; and Behaviour Change Therapist and Moderator, Dr. Joanne Spence.

You can tune in to the Livestream at our YouTube channel or directly at ACEs & The Father Wound. Once you are logged into YouTube, your Comments will be seen by the panellists and they can answer your questions.

See you on Father's Day for this riveting discussion!

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