I wanted to share this post from our Resilience Trumps ACEs web site because I am so proud of Annett!
Annett first told us what ACEs meant to her after she was invited to a seminar with Dr. Rob Anda in Spring 2008 (here's a three-minute video in which she describes what happened).
Today, in this video clip, Annett, who has all 10 ACEs from the ACE Study's short questionnaire, updates us on her journey since first meeting Dr. Anda and learning about the impact her childhood had on her. Listen to Annett talk about building her resilience and her capacity to thrive! By realizing she was not trapped by her childhood, she was able to move forward and accomplish amazing things. We believe Annett is a great role model to all of us struggling to understand the forces that shaped us… Annett, we love you for sharing your story!
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