From US Climate Action Network, December 2020
The newfound vibrance, diversity, and political power of the US climate movement has been a breath of fresh air, and a source of hope even as the world continues hurtling, unabated, towards a climate catastrophe. Yet, as with so many US movements, some additional attention is needed to properly place US climate policy in the global context.
As we all know, climate change is a truly global problem, and requires a global solution. In fact, the scale of the crisis is such that solving it will require international cooperation and solidarity on a scale that has rarely, if ever, been seen before. Thankfully, there has been an international climate justice movement for decades now, and it has long campaigned for an approach to the crisis that is grounded in justice and global solidarity.
This effort to quantify “The US Climate Fair Share” is a collective effort by the US Climate Action Network (USCAN), which includes a range of organizations from state and locally focused grassroots groups to international NGOs, to center the dual challenges of global climate change and global inequality, and to ensure that US climate action is appropriately considered in this context. As the richest country the world has ever known (and also one of the world’s most starkly divided ones), and one that even now has vast influence on other countries, it is of utmost importance to people around the globe that a comprehensive US climate plan take into account the world outside our own borders.
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