As we approach the 2020 election in the United States (US), the Gratefulness Team has been reflecting on the gift of the right to vote here and throughout the world. Over the course of history, many have fought for this privilege with their lives, and we can show our gratitude by embracing the opportunity to vote whenever and wherever we can. This includes not only major national elections but all of the democratic decisions with which we’re presented in our local communities and day-to-day lives.
Though we typically think of voting in purely political terms, we can think about every choice we make as a vote and every moment in our lives as an election. We vote with our bodies, energy, money, time, attention, and more. How do our choices reflect our values and our vision for the world? When we explore voting and democracy as ongoing opportunities to choose our values and participate in collective decision-making by adding our individual voice to the voices of others, we ground them in grateful living. We take nothing for granted, become present to that which matters most, and we act accordingly in service of one and all. We empower ourselves to “elect” love, belonging, reverence, and care. We offer the voice of our hearts in service of meaningful change and thriving communities.
We invite you to explore these supportive offerings with others on virtual platforms. Or you may simply reflect on your own. Approach them gently and with an open, grateful heart.
Voting: A Practice of Love (3:00): In this essay, Kristi Nelson reflects on the ways in which voting is an act of love that is rooted in grateful living.
Voting is an Exercise in Empathy (3:00): Sharon Salzberg explores voting as a manifestation of our interconnectedness in this essay, suggesting that voting is about “taking responsibility as a human — to oneself, to other humans, and to the world.”
John Lewis: Voting Matters (6:00): In this video, John Lewis encourages us to play our part for the greater good with joy as he underscores the sacredness of voting.
To read more of The Gratefulness Team's article, please click here.
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