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Walk With Me - a song addressing the stigma & discrimination for those labeled, "mentally ill."


“Never judge another man until you have walked a mile in his moccasins.” – Native American Proverb

Walk With Me by Michael Skinner -  [Lyrics posted below]

Michael Skinner Music - - scroll down to Track # 7

All of my songs are on Amazon, Spotify, etc...& two minute clips are posted at my website.

“Everyone has untold stories of pain and sadness that make them love and live a little differently than you do. Stop judging, instead try to understand.” Anonymous

The Surviving Spirit Newsletters - - Healing the Mind, Body & Spirit Through the Creative Arts, Education & Advocacy

“True compassion means not only feeling another's pain but also being moved to help relieve it.”
– Daniel Goleman

WALK WITH ME” [c] Michael Skinner 1999

When you look at me, what do you see

Have you judged me, by the lack of a smile

But come with me, step into my shoes

Can you walk with me for one mile

Then perhaps you'd see, another part of me

I’m also a man who like to sing

I too have hopes, hopes and dreams

To be more than what you labeled me


So open up your eyes, clean out your ears

Learn to listen, listen to learn, and then you'll hear

And then you can get past your stigma and fears

Of what has caused you to treat me so callously

Can you take a chance, can you try to understand

That I'm still a man, who has some plans

Who can fall to his knees from agony,

That can cripple me, but it's only a small part of me

I’m not a child to be patronized

With all of your fake smiles

I too have hopes, hopes and dreams

To be more than what you labeled me


Your prejudice and fears are quite clear to me

And no double talk hides that from me

Intelligence, insight still reside in me

So come down from your throne, throw off the robe

That gives you such abusive power and control

Can you sit with me, can we talk a while

Do you think you could walk in my shoes a mile

I’m not impressed with your titles and degrees

Compassion and understanding do more for me

Can you show me, show me your humanity

Instead of talking, talking down to me

Can you sit with me, can we talk a while

And then I know you would see me smile

Oh I know you would see me smile

Walk with me a while, walk with me a while

“When someone judges you, it isn’t actually about you. It’s about them and their own insecurities, limitations, and needs.” Lulu

“When you judge others, you do not define them, you define yourself.” – Earl Nightingale

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Hi Michael, I read your post early this morning, sitting in the dark on my laptop, and wanted to come back when I can actually see to be able to type a reply to you.

I too was diagnosed with PTSD back in 1967, by a wonderful police officer at 5 am after a Domestic Disturbance.  The Officer told me that I would probably suffer with something called PTSD the rest of my life, and most people called it Shell Shock but as long as I knew what was going on, I would probably get life time help for it.

Of course I did not, I was a kid and kids got to live, love, learn and get their hearts bruised or broken on the way to adult hood.  I did go to Anonymous Family Groups, but I also wanted to have Freedom to come and go and try different things in life.

Now the symptoms of PTSD at my age, along with Covid Long Haul Symptoms, did not do me any favors.  I have had to start over a 50 years stumbling journey with On Line Therapists, Dr. Gabor Mate', Bruce Lipton and many many others who share their work on YouTube with us.

I have not been here since before the Covid but every day, every day is another chance to Heal and to say Hello to old and new friends here.

Thank you for your Music Michael.....I love listening to you play


Thank you Mary...appreciate your kindness and your sharing of your own struggles - thankfully there is hope and healing for us. Take care, Michael

Hi Michael, I read your post early this morning, sitting in the dark on my laptop, and wanted to come back when I can actually see to be able to type a reply to you.

I too was diagnosed with PTSD back in 1967, by a wonderful police officer at 5 am after a Domestic Disturbance.  The Officer told me that I would probably suffer with something called PTSD the rest of my life, and most people called it Shell Shock but as long as I knew what was going on, I would probably get life time help for it.

Of course I did not, I was a kid and kids got to live, love, learn and get their hearts bruised or broken on the way to adult hood.  I did go to Anonymous Family Groups, but I also wanted to have Freedom to come and go and try different things in life.

Now the symptoms of PTSD at my age, along with Covid Long Haul Symptoms, did not do me any favors.  I have had to start over a 50 years stumbling journey with On Line Therapists, Dr. Gabor Mate', Bruce Lipton and many many others who share their work on YouTube with us.

I have not been here since before the Covid but every day, every day is another chance to Heal and to say Hello to old and new friends here.

Thank you for your Music Michael.....I love listening to you play


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