From MomsRising, March 18, 2020
We are here for you, and for each other. You are not alone.
In this time of necessary social distancing, in this time of fearing for the health of our loved ones and our own, and in this time when our political leadership at the very top has been repeatedly failing to tell the truth and get us medical necessities like coronavirus testing kits that we desperately need, we want you to know that we are with you. You are not alone.
*We invite you to take a moment to let other moms out there know they are not alone too by virtually “raising your hand” by putting your dot on our map on this page.
→ If you feel so moved, please also take a quick moment to share a tip for getting through this hard time. Your tip could be about how to juggle having kids out of school, what’s giving you hope near you, the best ways to get groceries, fun games with kids, great shows to binge watch, how to get folks registered to vote, how to have fun while social distancing, or other.
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