COLUMBIA, SC For the past 10 years, United Way of the Midlands has increasingly focused resources on helping vulnerable children succeed by supporting tutoring, kindergarten preparation, high-quality child care and social support to families and children experiencing homelessness, with a range of housing assistance from prevention and shelter to permanent housing.
In 2013, we initiated the Youth in Transition movement, for 17- to 24-year-olds who are homeless or vulnerable to homelessness. This includes youth transitioning out of foster care or juvenile or adult justice, runaway youth and unaccompanied youth.
This movement has grown from 12 agencies meeting to discuss service coordination to more than 50 public and private partners and community leaders working together to stop the cycle of youth homelessness and support youth as they work to achieve their life purpose.
[For more on this story by SARA FAWCETT, go to]
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