Thanks to the generous support of the more than 130 people who donated, we are more than half-way to our goal to raise $50,000. And we have no doubt that we’ll get there!
To recap, we began this campaign in November with a challenge from an anonymous donor, who told us that if we could raise $50,000, there would be another $50,000 coming. Our original deadline was December 31, but we closed our doors during the last part of December and the beginning of January to give our very tired staff a well deserved break. So our donor graciously extended — through January 31, 2021 -— the deadline for ACEs Connection to raise the match through member donations.
"We are grateful beyond measure for the gifts we’ve received since the campaign started the second week of November 2020,” said Jane Stevens, ACEs Connection founder and publisher.
“More than 130 people have made donations ranging in size from $5 a month (monthly donations are an option) to $6,000,” said Stevens.
Donations now total about $30,000, leaving just $20,000 to be raised from members between now and January 31.
“I absolutely believe we can meet this matching grant goal to win the additional $50,000. We need members to give what they can; the more gifts received the better, as our donor also likes to see how our members are supporting the network. We’re asking you to give in any amount, as best you can, to help us continue this work of raising awareness of the science of positive and adverse childhood experiences, and creating healing-centered communities, ” said Stevens.
Many donors have given of the purse and the heart, by sharing their thoughts and feelings about the work being done to prevent adverse childhood experiences, encourage positive childhood experiences, and create individual, family, and community resilience. Among the comments:
“ACEs Connection has made it possible to share my work and my passion for revolutionizing the way we think about and address human needs. It has an incredible community of humans that support the work — in the organization and around the globe. So grateful to have this space to commune with you all. Thank you,” wrote Emily Read Daniels, from Hancock, New Hampshire.
“I appreciate the work of ACEs Connection in keeping us informed about the progress that is made in understanding and mitigating the impact of trauma. Your work helps us to better serve kids and families!!” wrote Keith Bailey, Knoxville, Tennessee.
“I wholeheartedly support ACEs Connection. As the Founder of the Community Resilience Collaborative of Middlesex County-CT, my soul calling is to share about ACEs science, promote resiliency and contribute my small piece to changing our mindset and culture to a healing-centered one.” Rebecca Lamansk, Middletown, Connecticut.
The names listed below reflect a partial list of ACEs Changemakers. Additional names will appear in our next update story on January 24, 2021. We thank you all and so appreciate your support.
Sarah Wilkinson
Kristen Allott
Candace White
David Cote
Teri Wellbrock
Kathleen Cole
Jane Stevens
Judy Knapp
Calista Scott
Christine Hoepfner
Carolyn Curtis
Ellen Fink-Samnick
Christine Noble-Power
Rose Fonseca
Mary Clare Reidy
Emily Daniels
Cherri Pruitt
Steven Brown
Michael Fasher
Sarah Wilkinson
Courtney Ham
Christopher Freeze
Janet and Louis Frase
Michelle Quinn
Rebecca Lemanski
Carey Sipp
For more information on making a donation via check, please email Carey Sipp at Watch for updates on the campaign to find your name posted among our donors; we will post more donor names in the coming days. To make a donation, please click on the link below.
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