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Webinar: Resident Engagement to Achieve Racial Equity

Resident Engagement to Achieve Racial Equity

The County Health Rankings & Roadmaps* program:

Date & Time: December 15, 2020 3pm EST

Follow this link to register

In the midst of the twin pandemics of COVID-19 and systemic racism, people are increasingly engaging in conversations around racial equity. To achieve racial equity in access, opportunities, and power, communities across the country are having intentional and honest dialogue around needed change in policies, practices, and procedures. New Orleans, LA and Jackson, MS are two examples of communities that are engaging residents to openly talk about their histories of systemic racism and pathways to community healing.

Almost a year ago, CHR&R introduced the Delta Region Action Learning Cohort through one of our special topics webinars. In this December webinar, we will bring that work full circle by highlighting two communities from the Delta Region that undertook this learning journey. Our guests, Dr. Torrie Harris and Dr. Ira Murray, will share how they are creating conditions for racial equity by engaging residents in their communities.

Our guests will address questions including:

  • How to engage residents during the COVID-19 pandemic?
    â€Ē    How to build authentic resident engagement in a virtual world?
    â€Ē    What are some barriers to achieving racial equity?

Dr. Torrie Harris is the Health Equity Strategist with the New Orleans Health Department. She is also a member of the New Orleans Community Voice team that is part of the CHR&R Delta Region Action Learning Cohort. Dr. Ira Murray is President & CEO of the United Way of the Capital Area. He is also a member of the Central Mississippi team that is part of the CHR&R Delta Region Action Learning Cohort.

We hope you leave the webinar ready to build authentic resident engagement to achieve racial equity.

County Health Rankings & Roadmaps will host a one-hour interactive virtual discussion at 3:00pm CT/4:00pm ET, immediately following the webinar. We encourage you to participate in an engaging dialogue with peers across the country to share your experiences and your thoughts on how the strategies shared during the webinar may support work in your community. Mark your calendars and plan to stay as long as you are able!

*The County Health Rankings & Roadmaps program:

is a collaboration between the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute. We're working to improve health outcomes for all and to close the health gaps between those with the most and least opportunities for good health. This work is rooted in a deep belief in health equity, the idea that everyone has a fair and just opportunity to be as healthy as possible, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, income, location, or any other factor.

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