As noted in last week's newsletter, the ACEs Connection Network, comprising ACEsConnection and ACEsTooHigh, received a major grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Last week's announcement included the first four team members -- Elizabeth Prewitt, Val Krist, Sylvia Paull and Joanna Weill.
This week, I'd like to introduce you to Jasmine Pettis, who's our new information specialist. She's an MPH student at San Jose State University who plans on graduating in May, and works at the HealthySteps Employee Wellness program at Stanford Hospital and Clinics and the Lucile Packard Children's Hospital. As part of her work, she managed the biometric screenings of over 11,000 eligible hospital employees and organized the 2013 Employee Wellness Fair for both hospitals. She also worked as a graduate research assistant on two clinical studies ran out the Stanford University School of Medicine.
This part-time position at ACEsConnection works well for her, because after graduating, she plans on beginning her education to become a International Board Certified Lactation Consultant.
She's finding her way around ACEsConnection now, but will soon jump in to answer questions, and connect people to the information -- and other people -- they're looking for.
Here are a few more details about Jasmine:
She received her bachelor of science in health science in 2010 from California State University, Sacramento. During her time at Sacramento State her passion for public health, preventative care, and health promotion grew. She was elected president of the Sacramento State Public Health Club where she organized volunteer opportunities for club members, hosted expert panels relevant to college health, and actively participated in the efforts to make Sacramento State a tobacco-free campus.
Jasmine began working at the California WIC Association in 2009. She travelled to Washington D.C annually to advocate for breastfeeding and women’s rights in both houses of the U.S. Congress. She also had the opportunity to work in a Women Infants and Children (WIC) agency where she developed curriculum and conducted individual and group nutrition, breastfeeding, infant and child-feeding classes.
Over the past two years, Jasmine has been an integral part of the development and coordination of the HealthySteps Employee Wellness program at Stanford Hospital and Clinics and Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital. This past January, at the California Society of General Internal Medicine Conference, she presented her published abstract on the utility and feasibility of using an online crowd-sourcing tool in clinical research.
Jasmine believes that all people, regardless of geographical location, income, or race, deserve an equal chance at a healthy life from birth and wants to be apart of making that a reality. She is thrilled to be joining the ACEs Connection Network and is excited continue the conversation and promotion of further research, and sharing of best practices on this often overlooked public health issue.
In her spare time she enjoys hiking, running, crocheting, and playing volleyball.
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