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What do I do now? My teenager isn't graduating....... I have no one to advocate for me, I feel lost.

Now that reality has hit and more parents are beginning to ask questions, there is a sense of urgency, students and parents don't know where to turn, hope is quickly fading away....time has run out. If you are one of the 4,000 parents whose child has been impacted by this punitive policy, or you know someone who has been denied their high school diploma, have them fill out the following questions and send them to me. I will forward your information to a legal advocacy group. Please get the information to me AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Questions that need to be clarified: 1. Did the school counselor or administrator contact you prior to 2012-2013 school year that you were at risk of not graduating unless you passed the state math standard? 2. As a parent, when were you contacted and made aware that your child was at risk of not graduating 2013 if they did not meet the math standard? Please be very specific when you first had contact? 3. Was your child placed into a COE...Collection of Evidence math class at the beginning of this 2012-2013 school year to support your child developing their student portfolio as an option to meet the state math requirement for graduation? 4. Did the school have a COE math class that your child was not scheduled into the class? When were you contacted that the school did not place your child into the COE class? 5. Did your child's high school offer a COE class later in the school year? When were you and your child contacted by the school that this class was being added? Be specific on timing? 6. Was the COE class offered later in the year after your child's school day? How many hours were required to attend the afternoon COE class daily? How many weeks were required to complete the afternoon COE class? 7. We're there any family financial reasons that would have kept your child from participating in the after school COE class that your family needed your child to work so that the family could sustain income to meet minimal expenses? 8. This is an important question. Please identify the race or minority culture that you would identify with if this applies to you? 9. Please indicate if your child is eligible for the Free and/or Reduced lunch program? 10. Who did you contact when you first heard that your child was going to be denied their high school diploma? What were you told? Did you contact any other agency to seek help? Who? Please send the following information to: Jim Sporleder with your contact information at my email address below

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