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What Does A Developmental Psychologist See In A 40th Class Reunion? []

When I told people I was going to my 40th high school reunion, I might as well have said I was jumping off a cliff. Almost across the board, the reaction was shock, though the reasons varied. Granted, I hadn’t been in touch with my classmates, so some degree of surprise was legitimate. But my friends and family also projected their own reasons: high school had been the “worst time of their lives”; that they had never “fit in”; they didn’t want to open their adult lives to judgment. But I’m a developmental psychologist, and I wanted to understand what a reunion ritual might mean. Nothing is more interesting to me than discovering how children grow up and their lives turn out.

As the date approached, I finally became apprehensive myself. Most of us had been together since kindergarten, but what if I didn’t recognize people after forty years? After all, I now have silver hair and 40 additional pounds; others would also have changed. Or what if we didn’t have anything to talk about? How would I react to an old “flame,” or he to me? Could I finally uncover the story behind a friend who had so traumatically “dropped” me in sixth grade? When nervous jokes started showing up on the Facebook reunion page, I saw that I wasn’t the only one with anxiety. I recruited a childhood friend to go with me.

[For more of this story, written by Diana Divecha, go to]

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I had similar concerns as I traveled to my 40th high school reunion, on a motor-bike, and my encounters with thirteen separate thunderstorms en route. But having seen classmates there, and availed myself of social media to "keep in touch"in the ensuing years, I'm less apprehensive about my upcoming 50th reunion. Even back in high school, I knew classmates who struggled with their own unique ACEs, and some challenges that Epidemiologists have noted which also qualify as a form of "toxic stress"-which have later been deemed ACEs by the World Health Organization-in their ACE International Questionaire.

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