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What is "Beyond Paper Tigers"?


Information is the most powerful and effective tool we have because it has the power to touch hearts, change lives and transform communities. Teri Barila has been reaching out with impact in the community of Walla Walla and the transformation is real. I attended the last few minutes of a monthly CRI meeting today where our community gathers together to share stories about the monumental strides that are being made in Walla Walla. The feelings of those in the room overtook me as I stood accepting, then enjoying, and then allowing them to consume me.

The meeting had been underway for over an hour when I arrived and if you have ever walked into a room where sacred ceremony is underway, then you might have some idea of what I felt during those closing few moments of the meeting. I stood in awe amongst community leaders and members from various organizations as feelings of appreciation, caring and compassion flooded my body. I listened to a few closing comments from members who voiced their gratitude because we now have so many trauma informed organizations in Walla Walla. There was talk about the numerous beneficial changes that had occurred over the past few years.

One comment in particular is planted in my mind: people were not feeling safe about referring their loved ones for assistance. Now that many of our organizations have trauma informed staff, people are learning who and where those safe and caring people are.  Those are the connections that keep Walla Walla one of the friendliest and safest communities. This meeting was so ripe with open hearts and minds that I feel like I just floated out of there on a cloud of bliss. For me, even though I couldn’t tell you the content of the meeting, the heart opening I received IS WHAT THE MEETING WAS ALL ABOUT. Now, what does all this have to do with Beyond Paper Tigers?

Paper Tigers is known for the work that has been done in Walla Walla at ONE facility of our education system: Lincoln High School. Beyond Paper Tigers is known for the work that is being done in the entire community of Walla Walla. If everyone who associates Paper Tigers with Lincoln High School were to know that Teri not only initiated Lincoln High School to its notoriety, she has also cultivated a whole community of partnerships with people, organizations, and institutions that could all be a Paper Tigers story in their own right.

I’m pushing for a sequel called Paper Tigers Consumes Walla Walla and is Headed Your Way.

Join us for the 2017 Beyond Paper Tigers conference in June.

You’re guaranteed to be blessed!

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