There’s no doubt that we are currently experiencing a watershed moment, ushered in, whether one wants to acknowledge it or not, the #MeToo movement. More and more women are speaking up, sharing their experiences, signaling not just their frustration with the rape culture that continues to insinuate itself into social, sexual, and professional interactions between men and women, but also their refusal to pander to that culture any longer.
A woman speaking up is a powerful thing. And because women’s voices have been muted for so long, if not ignored and dismissed altogether, it is an act of bravery to refuse to be silenced any longer. Yet women continue to face considerable risks in coming forward and speaking out, from the loss of privacy and termination of employment to being shamed for calling out those who have harassed, abused, assaulted, or raped them.
There is absolutely no shame in speaking out. If anything, it is the perpetrator—and the entire posse of enablers and protectors—who should feel shame and be shamed for what he did.
[For more on this story by B. WISER, go to]
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