" I learned a lot about the meaning of community in Senegal, West Africa where I lived for a few years. One day while I was still learning to speak Mandinka, the language of my village, I asked “How do I say, I am going running (alone, by myself)?” It was explained to me that there was no word for “alone” in Mandinka. It struck me as quite profound. In this village and in this widespread language they had no concept of “aloneness”. The idea that people would do things alone didn’t exist. It might not be too surprising to understand that in Senegal I found the happiest people I have even known. Their days were filled with hard work but a lot of joy and celebration and gratitude. Imagine a community where the concept of ‘alone’ didn’t exist, where our lives were woven together in a beautiful tapestry and everyone saw, respected and understood the tapestry...."
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