By Gracie McKenzie, Illustration: Shutterstock, March 14, 2022
The U.S. has the highest rate of gun suicide in the world — and suicides account for more than half of the total number of gun deaths nationwide each year. It’s because of these statistics that we at The Trace consider covering suicide central to our mission of understanding gun violence in America. Research shows these deaths are not inevitable, and that most Americans would act to support someone they know is at risk. But surveys have also found that peopleoften worry about saying the wrong thing or not knowing enough to be able to help.
If you or someone you know is feeling hopeless or overwhelmed, you’re not alone. The organizations listed below can provide emotional support in the moment and connect you and/or the person you who needs care to longer-term mental health resources in your community.
If you’re concerned about the issue more broadly, we’ve also collected a list below of some ways you can get involved to support others.
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