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Who are we? What is our interest in ACEs? Part 4

As people have joined the network, I've asked them to provide some information about their interest in ACEs. Here are another two: Eileen King and Nora Baladerian. Some of the responses are shortened, so there's a link to their page to read more about them, friend them and/or send a message. 

Eileen King - Silver Spring, MD - Eileen is director for the Washington, D.C. office of Justice for Children, which assists abused children caught in "'systemic failure" situations involving CPS or the courts. She runs two list serves to which she sends out ACE Study-related papers. In the last three months she's attended 2 congressional briefings and one Senate hearing in which the ACE Study was highlighted. 

Nora Baladerian, Los Angeles, CA - A psychologist, Nora treats adults abused as children and recently abused children, with a focus on children and adults with developmental disabilities. "You cannot imagine the number of kids who are low or nonverbal with autism and those with intellectual disabiities among them."

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