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Who are we? What's our interest in ACEs? Part 12

Here are another three responses from new members to a question about their interest in ACEs: Heather Fitzpatrick, Andrea Ransdell and Elliott Schulman. Some of the responses are shortened, so there's a link to their page to read more about them, friend them and/or send a message.

Heather Fitzpatrick, Elk Grove Village, IL: At the American Academy of Pediatrics, Heather manages a grant that is "focused on strengthening the medical home for children exposed to violence." The ACE Study informs this work. The organization is developing a web-based resource for pediatricians and medical home teams.   

Andrea Ransdell, Davis, CA: Andrea is a founding member of the Incest Survivors' Speakers Bureau of California, which has organized an all-volunteer, no-registration, no-cost conference about and for child sex abuse for the last 17 years. One of the early speakers was Vincent Felitti. "I'm on the committee for our 2012 conference, and we don't have enough on the program yet. Two of our survivor speakers had to cancel, so if anyone wants to volunteer to be on a speaker panel or give an update on ACEs at our conference this April, then please let me know!" For more information about the organization, go to

Elliott Schulman, Wynnewood, PA: Elliott is a neurologist, and recently co-authored a position statement from the American Academy of Neurology that advises member physicians to screen patients for abuse, including elder, child, sexual , financial, and emotional abuse; cyberbullying, and violence. "I am interested in ACES as many of my headache and pain patients have suffered abuse. We are all indebted to Drs. Felitti and Anda for their hard work and incredible contribution to the literature."

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