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Who are we? What's our interest in ACEs? Part 23

Here are introductions to ACEs Connection members Seth Doyle, Kalma Kartell White, Tim Jones, and Clarice Bailey. Go to their pages to read more about them, friend them and/or send a message.

Seth Doyle, Seattle, WA -- Seth is program coordinator for the Northwest Regional Primary Care Association. He's interested in learning more about how ACE research can be used in primary care practice.

Kalma Kartell White, Cheltenham, PA -- Kalma is a trainer and consultant working for a non-profit organization that has been providing trauma-related training to behavioral health and other human services systems since 1998.

Tim Jones, Altadena, CA  -- Tim is the co-founder and CEO of Health Nuts Media. The company produces animation, games & apps to help kids and their families better understand and manage their health.

Clarice Bailey, Philadelphia, PA  -- Clarice is a consultant to child welfare and juvenile justice organizations. Her interest is in the unidentified/unresolved trauma that staff bring to their jobs. She often sees staff triggered by kid behavior, which in turn triggers kids. She wants to interrupt that cycle.

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