As people have joined the network, I've asked them to provide some information about their interest in ACEs. Here are another three: Douglas Drossman, Karen Cangialosi, and Patrick Anderson. Some of the responses are shortened, so there's a link to their page to read more about them, friend them and/or send a message.
Douglas Drossman - Chapel Hill, N.C. -- A gastroenterologist, Douglas knew Vincent Felitti many years ago when both did research on the effects of sexual and physical abuse, and more recently on an IOM committee. They were the first to report the consequences of abuse history on medical conditions in 1990. He has published "many papers and had an NIH grant."
Karen Cangialosi - Pasadena, CA. Karen worked with Vincent Felitti at the Positive Choice clinic in San Diego.
Patrick Anderson - Anchorage, AK. Patrick is the executive director for a non-profit organization that serves 7 Alaska Native tribes. It's using ACEs to guide its "Restoration to Health" strategic initiative. He's advocating for an ACE study of Alaska Natives. He's used the ACE Study to "inform my position on suicide prevention and have been taking that message public through conferences in Indian Country."
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