Darla Mosse, Viviana Winklestin, Julie Simonson and Kristin Bodiford joined ACEs Connection in May. Here's some info about each, and a link to their profile pages, where you can friend them, send a message, and see all their comments and activity on the network.
Darla Mosse, Seattle, WA -- Darla, an RN, is a public health nurse with the MOMS Plus program at King County Public Health in Seattle, WA with the MOMS Plus Program. SheΒ provides home and field visits with at-risk pregnant women and women parenting an infant under a year old. About 99% of the women on her case load score a 9 on the ACE Study.
Viviana Winklestin, Sumner, WA -- Viviana is a family support worker who works with parents to provide in-home evidenced-based programs, such as Triple P and Promoting First Relationships. She notes that ACES has had a profound impact on how she sees her work with families.
Julie Simonson, Philadelphia, PA -- Julie is a social worker.
Kristin Bodiford, Martinez, CA --Β ACEs and trauma informed approaches inform a federally funded project Kristin works on around childhood exposure to domestic violence.
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