Darlene Furey, William Reidy, Diane Shepherd, Theresa Willcox joined ACEs Connection in July. Here's some info about each, and a link to their profile pages, where you can friend them, send a message, and see all their comments and activity on the network.
Darlene Furey, Doylestown, PA -- Darlene has worked in the domestic violence and sexual assault fields.
William Reidy, Bethesda, MD -- Works with community health centers to expand their capacity to provide integrated behavioral health service as a routine component of primary care with the goal of improving the health, care experience, & cost of care for the individuals and populations served.
Diane Shepherd, Kennewick, WA -- Diane does social emotional work.
Theresa Willcox, Catarina, Masaya, Nicaragua -- Theresa has a two-year-old and is looking for guidance on how to be a good parent.
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