The Child Parent Project in Philadelphia and Northeast Treatment Centers Children’s Behavior Health Services in Philadelphia, to name two. We found others, and we’ll post their stories over the next couple of months. They include home visiting programs in Washington State and Tennessee; parent-education classes in Nashville, TN, for incarcerated parents and parents mandated by the court to take the class; a class for divorced parents in Sonoma County, CA; three federally qualified health clinics (FQHCs) in Madison, WI; and updates on two pediatric practices.
We’ll post those on the main site, in the weekly roundup, and keep them all for easy reference in the group ACEs Screening — Who’s Doing It and How?
Some of these stories came from those who responded to a survey the first time we asked ACEs Connection members about ACEs screening. If you’re doing ACEs screening, please complete this survey, and we may contact you to do your organization’s story.
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