On January 30th, I woke up before dawn to drive around East Oakland and count all the homeless people I could find.
I was one of the 600 volunteers who participated in the 2019 Point-in-Time (PIT) homeless count for Alameda County, California. The PIT count is a nationwide effort to tally the number of unsheltered Americans living on the street on a single night in January. It began in 2003 and happens every two years. The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requires communities to complete the count in order to receive federal funding for homeless programs.
"This data will help us understand who's out there and what they're going through, and design better services for them," said Elaine de Coligny, executive director of EveryOneHome, the non-profit organization that is responsible for facilitating Alameda County's (PIT) count.
[For more on this story by ALASTAIR BOONE, go to https://psmag.com/social-justi...-homeless-population]
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