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Why Cities Must Take the Lead on Upgrading Service Jobs []


This Labor Day, with President Trump in office, it’s time to realize that the task of creating good jobs for more Americans rests with its cities. Just as cities have led on climate change and minimum wage, they should lead on creating secure, well-paying jobs.

The stock market continues its boom and unemployment is at a record low (3.9 percent), but far too many Americans still toil in insecure jobs that do not pay enough to support a family.

Almost 70 million American workers—amounting to nearly half of the entire workforce (48.3 percent)—toil in low-wage service jobs, taking home less than $35,000 a year, compared to the average wage of more than $50,000 for all workers and more than $80,000 for knowledge, professional, and creative workers.

[For more on this story by Richard Florida, go to]

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