"The new system, which will be implemented over the next three years, brings a distinct shift in form, implementing evidence based research on housing first methods. We support this new focus, which places emphasis on the obvious solution to homelessness; getting people housed with supports, while the plan’s prevention efforts will ensure early intervention to those identified to be at risk, surrounding them with adequate supports to keep them housed....
"Violence, abuse and trauma are the primary cause of women’s homelessness and housing instability -Women’s Health Effects Study. For women, this circumstance often opens up a floodgate of multiple losses such as loss of income, safety, security, children, pets, basic needs, and self esteem, leaving women vulnerable and at the mercy of the social service system....
"By advocating for the need for a gender specific trauma-informed approach to housing stability, we will continue to work together in moving people out of homelessness and into housing with supports, one individual, family, or woman at a time."
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