In this era of hyperpartisanship, the liberal-libertarian convergence on criminal-justice reform is, frankly, astonishing. Everyone from the Koch brothers to George Soros, from Tea Party Texan Sen. Ted Cruz to Democrat Hillary Clinton are singing from the same hymnal: "Today, far too many young men — and in particular African-American young men . . . find themselves subject to sentences of many decades for relatively minor, nonviolent drug infractions," Cruz told reporters in February, before implausibly invoking French literature. "We should not live in a world of Les MisÉrables,where a young man finds his entire future taken away by excessive mandatory minimums." In one of her first major policy speeches of the 2016 campaign, Clinton decried "inequities" in our system that undermine American ideals of justice and declared, "It is time to end the era of mass incarceration."
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