On Tuesday, the Department of Justice emailed a press release that started with a tweet from the Philadelphia Mayor’s deputy chief of staff.
In the next sentence of its press release, it linked out its news: A man currently in prison on a child rape conviction had pleaded guilty to illegal reentry.
The implication of the federal department’s scantily-worded email: Philadelphia was to blame for this man’s crime, because the city didn’t hold the defendant indefinitely in its local jail for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to pick him up and deport him. This is how the dynamic between the Department of Justice and cities that have instituted so-called “sanctuary” policies is playing out. In the absence of success thus far using the legal system to force cities to hold immigrants, the Justice Department has been using shame and blame, one incident at a time.
[For more on this story by TANVI MISRA, go to https://www.citylab.com/equity...shaming-list/567038/]
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